The Great Ideas

A Syntopicon of Great Books of the Western World

Encyclopedia Britanica , Inc. 1982

ISBN; 0-85229-163-9

1 Angel 52 Mathematics
2 Animal 53 Matter
3 Aristocracy 54 Mechanics
4 Art 55 Medicine
5 Astronomy 56 Memory and Imagination
6 Beauty 57 Metaphysics
7 Being 58 Mind
8 Cause 59 Monarchy
9 Chance 60 Nature
10 Change 61 Necessity and Contingency
11 Citizen 62 Oligarchy
12 Constitution 63 One and Many
13 Courage 64 Opinion
14 Custom and Convention 65 Opposition
15 Definition 66 Philosophy
16 Democracy 67 Physics
17 Desire 68 Pleasure and Pain
18 Dialectic 69 Poetry
19 Duty 70 Principle
20 Education 71 Progress
21 Element 72 Prophecy
22 Emotion 73 Prudence
23 Eternity 74 Punishment
24 Evolution 75 Quality
25 Experience 76 Quantity
26 Family 77 Reasoning
27 Fate 78 Relation
28 Form 79 Religion
29 God 80 Revolution
30 Good and Evil 81 Rhetoric
31 Goverment 82 Same and Other
32 Habit 83 Science
33 Happiness 84 Sense
34 History 85 Sign and Symbol
35 Honor 86 Sin
36 Hypothesis 87 Slavery
37 Idea 88 Soul
38 Immortality 89 Space
39 Induction 90 State
40 Infinity 91 Temperance
41 Judgment 92 Theology
42 Justice 93 Time
43 Knowledge 94 Truth
44 Labor 95 Tyranny
45 Language 96 Universal and Particular
46 Law 97 Virtue and Vice
47 Liberty 98 War and Peace
48 Life and Death 99 Wealth
49 Logic 100 Will
50 Love 101 Wisdom
51 Man 102 World